Contact form

Contact and cooperation (you can contact and cooperate with SENZII in the following ways)

1. In case of emergency, you can contact me directly through this email:

For quick answers to your questions about orders, shipping & returns, account help and products.

If you have any questions, you can contact SENZII via email ( )

(such as problems encountered when purchasing)

2. Leave a message and contact information if it is not urgent

analyze the urgency by yourself

If you have other questions that are not particularly urgent, you can also leave a message

The degree of urgency can be analyzed by yourself

3. You can also contact us with messages from Instagram

You can also contact SENZII by leaving a message on Instagram

4. You can also write to contact us and point out the shortcomings of SENZII

Mailing address: I advise you not to do such a stupid thing

If you want SENZII to point out deficiencies and suggestions, you can write to: Mail to Mars